“Providing superior Customer Experience is a common claim for many brands, we help Organizations in turning it into real”
Attivo in Italia e all’estero nella Ricerca e Consulenza di marketing dalla metà degli anni 90.
In BVA Doxa segue le ricerche per le industry di servizio, in particolare Finance and Insurance. È uno dei principali esperti italiani di Customer Satisfaction. Ha lavorato per 10 anni con Claes Fornell, ideatore dell American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). Affianca alla professione l’impegno accademico, attualmente è professore a contratto di “Data analysis for Communication” all’Università IULM. ha un Executive Master of Science in Communication all’Università della Svizzera Italiana, una Laurea in Scienze Politiche in Statale a Milano e una in Economia Aziendale alla Scuola di Amministrazione dell’Università di Torino.
Simone’s professional experience started in the mid 90s, both domestic and international and he’s active in Marketing Research and Consulting, with a specific focus on CX.
In BVA Doxa Simone leads the Finance and Insurance industry accounts. He is among the leading Italian Customer Satisfaction experts.
He worked for 10 years with Claes Fornell, creator of the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). Alongside with Doxa he has an academic commitment, he is currently adjunct professor of “Data analysis for Communication” at IULM University in Milano.
Executive Master of Science in Communication at the University of Lugano (Switzerland), Simone has a degree in Political Science at the University of Milan and also graduated in Business Economics at the School of Administration of the University of Turin.